Starting a business begins with a great idea that is pragmatic and future oriented. It takes dedication to drive a business towards success. Success comes to those who think carefully about each...
September – 2017 Practice Update
September – 2017 Practice Update covers the following points
ALP announces massive (potential) changes to Trust Taxation.
Single Touch Payroll update.
Keeping ABN details up to date.
Know Your Business’s Worth
Ideally, a business is run tirelessly and either passed on to the next generation within the family or sold off to the right buyer, at the right price. However, most business owners only gauge the...
Making Money While You Sleep
Property is the product. The plan is the Key - To get rich you should be making money in your sleep
How can One do this?
Just imagine that you are a landlord of one or more rental properties...
The Fundamentals of Maintaining Successful Business Partnerships
Business relations come in all shapes and sizes. They can range from your relationship with your supplier to relations with government officials who could be concerned with your business. These...
August – 2017 Practice Update
August – 2017 Practice Update covers following points
ATO warning regarding work-related expense claims for 2017
GST applies to services or digital products bought from overseas
2016/17 Tax Return Checklist
2016/17 Individual Tax Return Checklist
Depreciable plant, etc, costing $300 or less
Clothing expenses
Self education expenses
Other work-related expenses
2016/17 Year-end...
July – 2017 Practice Update
July – 2017 Practice Update covers following points
Removal of the Temporary Budget Repair Levy from the 2017/18 income year
Extension of the $20,000 SBE Immediate Deduction Threshold
ATO Is Taking a Sharper Look at Uber Drivers
The ATO has been on top of the situation to avoid letting Uber drivers slip away without paying their taxes. This goes for not only drivers of Uber, but also any ride sharing arrangement or companies...
June – 2017 Practice Update
June – 2017 Practice Update covers following points
Budget Update
More taxpayers can access the benefits of being an 'SBE'
Who is assessed on interest on bank accounts?