Melbourne and the other cities of Australia are not short on options when it comes to accountants, you could find one that is at a walkable distance from home, or you could find one that charges you peanuts. However, decisions based on such mundane conveniences do not even begin to offer the benefits a qualified, experienced and work loving accountant can offer over an extended period of time.
There are multiple mobile and desktop applications available to help you to do your book keeping by yourself, to help calculate your debts or analyse investment options. So why do you need an accountant? And how do you know where to look?
- – Numbers are important, but it doesn’t end there
- Every accountant is expected to be good with numbers, but this should not be the deciding factor. It’s an accountant’s job to be an analytical thinker and not just a glorified calculator. Business owners should be able to get valuable insight regarding their strategies, tax savings, performance, accountability and much more. These factors contribute to the long term success of your business, and your accountant should be your trusted advisor.
- – Leave out mundane advantages in favour of long term gains
- Some accountants that you truly require by your side are not a stone’s throw away from you, neither are they cheap. More often than not, you get what you pay for, and this applies in this field as well. To find someone who can easily understand complex business operations and provide great advice over a long period of time might require you to travel a significant distance or invest a larger amount. Getting it right the first time is the priority with busy accountants, and that is what they are paid for.
- – Hands On
- An accountant with no practical knowledge of your industry is going to be an obstacle for your business and not a support system. It pays off to do reference checks with similar businesses before you make any decisions and also to look at the accountants work history. If accountants themselves have owned successful businesses, this maximises the credibility of their advice.
- – Media Check
- One small step that can add weight to prospective accountants is to check their social media and website blogs. A proactive accountant will always share valuable information regularly that engages potential customers and let’s potential customers be assured about their credibility.
If you’d like to know more about how we work and what we can offer, please get in touch with us. Our contact details are mentioned on our website.